Shambhala Living

Shambhala Living

Hosted by: Craig Hubbard

How do we live in more sustainable and regenerative ways? How can we tap into the ancient secrets of Life? A way of living in harmony with the sacred nature of life. How do we embody the interconnected web of...


#49: The Golden Goose and Biodiversity

Season #1

 In this episode, we're going revisit an old fable, the story of the golden goose, because I think it's gonna lot to do what's going on right now in the world...
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#48: Intuition our inner GPS

Season #1

In this episode, we're gonna talk about intuition, your heart and how to tap into this amazing inner GPS system...
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#47: Prepare for impact

Season #1

This episode is on a concept that flashed to me today when I was driving. I was listening to a long audio book, a long form book from David  Attenborough on Our Planet and it was pretty heavy about where we're heading...
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#46: Earth Day 2022

Season #1

So today, on the day I'm recording this is Earth Day 2022. So whenever you're listening to this it could be nice time to check in with Earth Day today! Cause everyday can be Earth Day...
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#45: How to make Compost Tea

Season #1

In this episode we're gonna discuss compost tea. This is a more practical episode so we gonna talk about what is compost tea and how to make your own compost tea to use in your garden...
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#44: Coming back to our centre

Season #1

In this episode is all about, slowing down and coming back to into the centre...
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#43: The Micro Biome and Intuition

Season #1

In this episode, we explore the micro biome and the connection that has with it in our intuition...
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#42: The smile first practice

Season #1

In this episode we're gonna talk about a little practice, it's making a huge different in my life and I wanna share with you..
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#41: Life in Reverse

Season #1

In this episode, we explore living with the end in mind. We come at it from a different perspective, a perspective of fantasy, a little bit of magic and imagination...
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#40: The Healing Flowers

Season #1

This episode is gonna be about flowers, sunflowers and marigolds and that's what's growing in abundance at the farm at the moment and experience I had recently...
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#39: A Magical World

Season #1

In this episode, I talked about a time when I used to be a magician, and how that is connected to my journey now as a regenerative and organic farmer...
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#38: This is your proverbial tap on the shoulder

Season #1

I ask you a challenge in this episode and this could be the tap on the shoulder this opportunity to take your life to whole other level..
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