Today's world can often leave us feeling stressed, upset and overwhelmed. There has been a significant rise in mental health problems over recent...
Growing herbs in your garden can be a very rewarding thing to do. Not only will the various herbs that you have in your herb garden provide flavor...
If you are designing a garden for growing vegetables, you will no doubt already have thought about where you want to put your beds and you may have...
As summer fades and many of us can expect cooler weather up ahead, those of us who grow our own may well be inundated by harvesting jobs and...
Gardens can be amazing spaces. As well as practically providing you with many of the things you need, they can also places for healing both body...
Mulching is the action of adding a layer of material on top of the soil in growing areas of your farm or garden. This is one of the primary...
Nourishing yourself and your family does not begin and end with the food that you grow. It also involves thinking carefully about how you use your...
In permaculture gardens, plants are not placed in mono-cultures – large areas planted with just one type of plant. Rather, polycultures are...
You may have experienced good summer rains, or may have been concerned by the shortfall in expected precipitation. But no matter where you live, it...
Organic gardening involves understanding that sustainable systems are the key to continued productivity. It is important to take steps to ensure...
Growing your own food is one of the best ways to move towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly way of life. But when doing so, it is important...